D'sozo - A Parent's Perspective
Eastward D'Sozo Camp 2016 was a unique experience. I have never been to a camp for young people where the focus is on helping others, in fact I don't think another camp like it even exists. What an opportunity for our young people to experience first hand the principle from Acts 20:35:
"I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive."
My responsibility at this camp was to feed the hungry hordes! For some, the thought of being in a kitchen all day, cooking for over 50 people would be a nightmare, but for me, I enjoy the challenge of filling and satisfying the ravenous mouths. Besides that, the kitchen is a good place to be for getting to know the campers and how they are going with the day to day camp experience. As they come through the food line each day, their faces first tell the story outline and then with a few questions the details come out.
What really encouraged me about the stories from the D'Sozo campers was how much they loved and were blessed by going out, working hard in the hot January sun. They would be tired and hungry but also bubbling over with news of who they helped and how the person responded to the help they were given. And believe me, the community members were so appreciative and amazed at the cheerfulness and willingness of a group of young people to do something for them, expecting nothing in return.
By the end of camp, both young men and young ladies were expressing that the D'Sozo Camp was the best camp they had ever been to and some were asking their parents if they could continue doing the help work when they get home. That's like music to a parents ears!
My final words on the matter are...There is a D'Sozo Camp about to happen in WA, October 2-9. Don't miss it!
Let your child experience the joy of serving as the hands of Jesus.
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