Divine Appointments On The Road
As of this writing, we are into the third week of the late 2015 road trip, working with communities up the east-coast of Queensland, Australia. We are connecting with people door-to-door through canvassing and medical missionary work. So far more than 500 books have gone out, including the MagaBook Great Controversy, Peace Above the Storm, Lessons of Love, Health and Peace, smaller Steps to Christ and others.
The aim is to spread God’s message of truth to perishing souls; to learn, gain experience in missionary work; and to network with Seventh-day Adventist churches. As well as canvassing we look for practical ways to meet the needs of people; whether that be weeding someone’s garden, sweeping their sidewalk, or cutting trees.
While doing this we’ve had many ‘divine appointments’ in meeting people. Here are just a few of the stories:
Showed a cookbook to a lady, who promptly said “That is no good to me, I am dying of cancer!” After expressing sympathy, I showed her ‘Peace Above the Storm’ (Steps to Christ). She gladly accepted the book with tears in her eyes, and hugged it to her chest. I prayed with her, and left with the hope that we would meet again.
On the other side of the same block, I spent almost an hour talking about spiritual things with another lady. She said "I know that God sent you here today". She had taken that day off work, because she was feeling sick. I was able to leave her with two books that have been a blessing to me: "The Great Controversy" and "Peace Above the Storm". - Emmanuel
It's always a blessing when we can encouraged people and share books that promote Spiritual as well as Physical healing.
(Atherton, 21/9/2015) Came across this lady outside sweeping her front drain. Tried to show her the books, she wasn’t interested. I started talking with her about the plan of salvation and our need for a saviour. She was not very willing to talk. Just thought I was going around condemning people. She said “Oh, you’d better move on then”.
I was just about ready to keep walked, and said “Oh, was just getting to the good part”. Because I was going to share what Jesus has done for each one of us. She said she was an Anglican.
Then she all of a sudden changes subject, to what she was doing trying to sweep this gravel down the drain because it came from her neighbours place and she wasn’t happy about that at all.
I said
“Oh, is there anything I can do to help”.
“Well, yeah. You can sweep and I’ll get the hose.”
“Oh Ok”.
“Are you going to be the Good Samaritan are you?”
Yes! Well, for the next 10 or 15 minutes I helped her sweep the gravel down the drain and finished the job while she hosed.
Ater that we became very good friends!! She talked for a long time about the struggles of her life and what she’s been through. And probably the worst, her husband is about to die. He can’t see or hear anything.
I was able to talk about the friend that Jesus wants to be to each one of us, and the day when he is going to come and put an end to all this suffering. We talked for probably 45 minutes on the front lawn. A few tears were shed.
I said: “I’ve met many people who are going through similar things that you are, and I have a book that I know has been a blessing to many.”“Oh, no. I’m too busy, it’s ok”
I said, “Please, I’ll go get it and show it to you” (my bag was on the lawn). I went and got it, and showed it to her. “Please, I really want to leave this with you”.
“Oh, okay, okay…” She said, in appreciation.
Then we had a prayer together. I was about to say goodbye, when she goes “I’d better give you a donation for this” I wasn’t expecting that at all. “Would $5 be ok?”. I said “Yeah, you don’t need to, that would be fine.” Went around the back. Got some water as well, she gave me $5, I left my number in the book and said I’d be happy to talk or listen anytime.
- Tim

(Mareeba) A Mum comes to the door. Show her what we’re doing. She’s interested in the kids cookbook. Then I show her ‘Peace Above the Storm’. She says “Is this religious?”
I said “Yes”.
“Oh, no, no” she says, and passes it straight back.
“I’m over people trying to force their religion on me. How are we meant to know which one is right, with so many religions out there.”
Then I shared with her a testimony of my personal walk with God, and why I’m doing what I’m doing, and how I want others to have the same experience. We connected very well. She invited me inside, and went looking for money for the kids cookbook.
When she came back we talked a couple of more minutes about God and she said “Wow, I can see it’s real for you! You’re not like the others. I can see that you have a real connection with God.”
I pulled out ‘Happiness for Life’, she’s like “Oh! This is beautiful. You know what! Happy was the first word my dad says I ever spoke.”
She was so thankful for it, and said she’d read it. I asked what I could pray for, she said to pray for strength. As we were heading out the door she said, “Oh, is it all right if I could give you a hug?” She was just so thankful.
- Andy
There are many many more stories that could be shared of people encouraged, prayed with, and planning to read the books left with them. I often wish to be a fly-on-the-wall, to see the results of these brief encounters, and the work of the Holy Spirit!
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