Dora Creek iDiscover Program
It was a priviledge to assist in the iDiscover evangelism program over two consecutive weekends this March. The quartet "Tim & Andy Hopkins, and Emmanuel & Henry Higgins", sang for three of the programs. We were blessed to make the aquaintance and also sing with Fabiano Niyonkuru, a theology student at Avondale. One of the songs we sang can be watched here.
Aside from this, I enjoyed conducting and working with the church choir which sang four songs during our time there.
iDiscover is an excellent evangelism initiative, put together and mentored by AYC. The program encourages young people to lead out and run evangelism.
Four youth from Dora Creek (Chris Wigglesworth, Gemma Richardson, Kaysie Butler and Liesl Scheman) led out as youth speakers, presenting on topics such as "The Sabbath", "The Second Coming" and "The Three Angel's Messages".

Youth participating in iDiscover at Dora Creek
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