Eastward to Cairns - On The Road

3,200 kilometers ticked over the tripmeter this morning as we rolled into Cairns, far-north Queensland. It feels like a lot more than a week has gone by since we left Eastward. Here is a summary of the trip so far.
3rd September - Spent the day packing the car, tidying the caravan, and finishing last minute jobs in the nursery / orchard.

4th September - Drive from Eastward to Byron Bay, sleep near Mount Warning.
5th September (Sabbath) - Climb Mount Warning to catch the sunrise. Attend Kingscliffe church in the morning, and Mount Gravatt church for their afternoon program. Spend the night with friends at Beaudesert..

7th September - Work on tree-job for neighbour
8th September - Canvass in Kingaroy
Here is a testimony from Tim, who had this experience while canvassing in Kingaroy:
Canvasing and met this young guy... Within the first minute he came straight out and told me he was planning his suicide. Fully serious. At first stumped for words but I thank God for giving me the right ones to speak. Asked when, he said last day of spring. Asked few more questions. He listened about Christ coming to give us the abundant life, not only in eternity but here and now! Told him he needed to read this book the Great Controversy. He wanted it. He took it and said he would read it.
Please, I ask for you to pray for him, That he will read that book before Nov 30... And find life. Find Jesus!
9th September - Finish tree job, leave Sarah and Christopher's place, canvass in Kingaroy in the afternoon. Stay the night with friends east of Kingaroy.

11th September - Continue driving north, destination Townsville. Stopped to canvass just before lunch, at the small town of Home Hill. Continued to Townsville in time to canvass for about an hour before driving up Hervey's Range to open Sabbath and spend the night with friends there.

13th September - Leave Townsville at 3:45am, drove to Cairns in time to attended the wedding of Casey Barrett, a friend of Tim and Andy's.
And that's where we are right now folks. We'll probably spend the rest of this week canvassing in/around Cairns, and then start working our way south, aiming to be back at Eastward by the end of October. We will keep you updated as we go
2 Comment(s)
Thank you Soni :)
God be with you gents.. Maranatha..