God vs Religion?

A lot of people on the doors say "I believe in God, but not religion". Why would that be? What's happening with religion that it could be seen by people as opposed to God?
True religion should be beautiful and attractive like that picture of the sunset above. Unfortunately, the common 21st century picture of religion is:
All about getting things from people. Church is seen as a big profit-making and people-controlling business. Religious people seem no better than people in the world, in fact, often worse. They claim to be the guardians of precious eternal truth yet live selfish lives just like everyone else. Their profession doesn't match reality.
And so we make religion to stink in the nostrils of many looking on.
Imagine if all Christians were like Christ? Imagine if every Seventh-day Adventist was surrendered to God, and actually showing people what God was like through their actions; through unselfishness and acts of kindness? Imagine what a different picture of religion we would have!!
No, true religion is not opposed to God. But true religion is a rare thing. The 'Normal Christian Life' is not lived by most 'Normal Christians'.
"...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus..." - Hebrews 12:1-2
Be encouraged friends. We need help from Jesus. Let us enter often into His presence through prayer, quiet moments in nature, and the study of His word. He will help us to become like Himself; loving and lovable.
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