Heading South - On the Road

It's been almost two weeks since the last update; 1,700 kms, 102 Magabooks and 206 Happies (small Steps to Christ) later, a lot has happened!
There have been precious experiences. People in need who've receive books just at the right time. There have been times of resting in nature, and trying times to develop character.
Here is our diary.
24th September - Canvassing at Townsville (18 Magabooks, 47 Happies)
25th September - Office day at Herveys Range
26th September - Drive to Ingham SDA church. We were blessed to help out with the Sabbath program, teaching the Sabbath school class, singing some special items and preaching for the service. The sermon subject was 'The Normal Christian Life'.
For a couple of French backpackers it was their first time visiting a Seventh-day Adventist church.
In the afternoon we sang at a nearby nursing home.
27th September - Tim and Andy visit Wallaman falls, with friends and the French backpackers. Eman has office day.
28th September - Canvassing in Ingham (27 Magabooks, 41 Happies)
29th September - Canvassing in Ingham (35 Magabooks, 55 Happies)
30th September - Office day
1st October - Early morning flight with Tim's friend who is a pilot. Travel back to Townsville.
Canvass in Townsville (7 Magabooks, 18 Happies)
2nd October - Travelling to Mackay
3rd October - Attend North Mackay SDA Church, invited by some kind church members to lunch, spent a nice time making new friends. Drive to Eungalla National Park in the afternon.
4th October - This is a long weekend (we can't canvass on weekends or public holidays). Watching and filming platypus in the early morning. Walking in the national park. Booked for a tent site at nearby caravan park. Video editing 'Madison Revisited'.
5th October - Still long weekend. Drive back towards Mackay. Visit Finch's Gattan Gorge, have a refreshing time trecking up the river and swimming. Trying to upload the Madison video most of the day.
6th October - Canvassing in Mackay (20 Magabooks, 52 Happies)

And that brings us to today, the 7th of October. Tim and Andy are about to head into town and get new tires for the Tarago, and fix the airconditioning. I've got more editing to do, this update to write, and emails to reply to.
Till next time friends, stay faithful!
Below are some more pictures.

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