Keen Canvassers
After D’Sozo camp, a lot of us young people left with a greater desire and more skills to serve God and others better—especially in the canvassing work.
Soon after with a group of keen canvassers we spent one more week, down in the Yass district and surrounds, sharing the books that have been such a blessing to us. Like that precious promise (found in Luke 6:38), where when we give our best to the Master “…it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over.”
There were so many good experiences we could share, but one of my favourite experiences was when we were canvassing in Goulburn on the Friday.
This lady we met had been brought up a Catholic but didn’t like organised religions anymore. Jessica and I asked a few questions to see if she was still spiritually minded, and she told us that she loved to study the Bible! We had already canvassed her our books and we asked her which ones interested her the most. After discussing it with her children she came back out and said she couldn’t take any because she had no money. We shared with her that God always takes care of the money side of things, and again repeated our question that “if you did have the money, which one’s interest you the most?”
She held up The Great Controversy and said “this one”, although she didn’t want to take something without paying for it. Finally, she went inside to see if she did have any money and brought out a few dollars. Again she said “you just take the book and the money and have a good day”. I remembered that the day before a guy had given me $20 and wouldn’t take anything, but told me to give a free book to the next person that was interested. I shared that story with her and she commented saying that “maybe God really wants me to have this book!” The lady gratefully took the book and seemed very excited about reading it.
Altogether we got 108 message books/DVD’s, 83 Bountiful Health cookbooks, and 473 Happies (Step to Christ) in the five days, averaging about five teams out canvassing every day.
On Sabbath we had the opportunity to share testimonies, special music, and a sermon at Goulburn SDA Church. Tim shared a powerful and convicting sermon about the high calling we have as Seventh-Day Adventist’s to rightfully represent Christ to the world. “What impression are we leaving with people of our church and faith? Negative or positive?”
Then after lunch we headed over to a nursing home in Goulburn to share music and encouragement with residents there.
Even after most of the team left, the Granger family has continued canvassing to hopefully finish their home town soon and I know of other groups who have been adding canvassing into their weekly schedule as well :) Praise the Lord!
No matter where you are in life, I would definitely encourage you to give of your best to the Master and faithfully live for Him. Whether that means canvassing or just caring for those around—in your family or neighbourhood. As you give, greater blessings will be bestowed on you! Stay faithful.
Some photos are below.
1 Comment(s)
Caleb 9 years ago - February 11, 2016 at 9:09 pm
Praise the lord for all those books.