More Stories From the Trip

We have met so many people over the last 6 weeks! Here are some of the sweetest experiences we can remember. :)
Canvassed a business in Roma. The receptionist was there packing a box.
As soon as she saw “Peave Above the Storm” she went emotional and started to cry.
I said “It’s a beautiful book, one of my favourites. Do you have any religious background?”
She said in a broken voice “Yes, you’ve come at the right time.” She continues “what else do you have?” She gives $40 for three books and says “thank you very much”.
I wrote my email address in "Peace Above the Storm" and asked her to let me know what she thought of the book. This whole time, she’s still trying to wipe back her tears.
I asked “Most people aren’t that emotional when I show them the books, would you mind sharing?”
She said “I’m going through a divorce right now”.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. You know we pray every morning that God would lead us to the people he would have us meet. I pray you really can take a blessing from that book.”
- Tim
We often meet people who find the books are just what they have been looking for or need.
Talk for about 20 minutes with an elderly Catholic couple who were very distraught. They had a son who was in hospital with brain injuries and needing a place to stay. Prayed with them and left them with the book ‘Peace Above the Storm’.
Met a lady who said with tears, ‘We lived a healthy life, but my husband died from cancer 4 weeks ago’. Talked to her for probably an hour about her life, religion, health and my own testimony. She is a Christian, but has been put off some Christian faiths because of the traditions and hypocrisy in them. She bought ‘Peace Above the Storm’ and we had a prayer before I left.
Met a man who couldn’t hear or speak. He went back inside and came back with a note pad. We had a conversation by writing messages to each other. I shared what we were doing, and showed him the books. He enjoyed reading, and chose the ‘Great Controversy’.
After showing a man the ‘Great Controversy’ and explaining what it was about, he says ‘This is what I’ve been looking for!! I wondered where I could find a book like this, and here it is in my hand!!’ He gives a $10 donation and is very happy. “I want to be able to talk to other people about the prophecies in the Bible” he said.
- Emmanuel
Aside from canvassing door to door, and businesses, we sometimes canvass in carparks. Here is a story from a lady Andy met in a carpark.
Met this lady who had just jumped out of her car to have a smoke. Explained to her what we were doing. She loved it. She was a Christian too.
Showed her the ‘Kidilicious’ and kids book.
“This is amazing!" she says. "I was just talking to my brother the other day, where to find books like this.”
She got some money to give for those two.
Because she was smoking, I said “Just from the things we’ve been talking about I thought I should show you this one here”. Health and Peace (Ministry of Healing).
She intently looked at it, and said “I’ve been wondering what bookshops I can get books like this from. And you come to me right in the carpark with it!! I think I need this one too!”
She knew it was such a divine appointment. She lives far out of town, and didn’t come into town very often. She was so thankful, and encouraged me in my work."
- Andy
We usually show people the cookbook (Bountiful Health) and one or two of the reading books (Great Controversy or Peace Above the Storm). Our desire is to leave one those reading books which can really encourage people and show them what true religion is all about.
2 Comment(s)
Hi emanuel and the team, what a great work you guys are doing wish i could have the confidence and courage that you all have. Im hoping to do a health program at the local state school down here next year so im hoping all goes well.
Thank you for your encouraging topics and may God richly bless you all in the great work you are doing.
Gods richest blessing
Amen Praise the Lord