New Music Video Coming Soon
Under a beatiful blue winter sky, the choir spread themselves out beneath the stately gumtrees, for the filming of another music video. This time it's called "Fight the Good Fight of Faith", a sequel to "Crown Him Lord of All", the first music video Eastward produced, in February 2014..
The morning's work began at 10:30am with Scott and I attacking the filming location with chainsaw, long handled secateurs, whipper snipper and ride-on lawn mower.
Come 1pm, the location had been prepared, and the first of the singers began to arrive and take their places. What followed was a two and a half hour intense session of singing, smiling and filming! Phil, Katie and I ran through the shot-list, and setup for a series of car-shots, stabiliser and tripod shots.
It's always a tiring, but fun exercise.
It will take a least a week to complete the video and audio editing, and get it uploaded to youtube. We can't wait to show you the video though! Stay tuned for further updates. :)
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