Outback Adventures - Adelaide Canvassing Update

On Tuesday the 19th of December, Eastward’s 2017/18 Canvassing Program in Adelaide officially began. That evening the Elizabeth SDA Church hall saw 23 young people becoming familiar with what they had to look forward to for the rest of the program.
With enthusiastic participants from across the states of Australia and even as far as New Zealand, it promised to be an exciting time.
Wednesday morning saw the first introduction to the schedule, which included personal devotions, meal preparation and chores in preparation to go out canvassing. The rest of the morning was spent in basic training, memorising canvasses and testing one another. By the time the afternoon came around we were keen to put what we learnt into practice, and enjoyed getting out on the doors in pairs.
When the team regrouped after canvassing to share stories we were amazed to hear the testimonies coming back after only a few hours. Some of the local youth from Elizabeth were also there to hear story after story in what some of the group remarked was the best testimony time they had ever heard. Afterwards some of the local youth expressed desire to have a go canvassing. We were all thoroughly amazed at such an incredible start to the program.

Team training time at Elizabeth Church
Thursday and Friday saw a little less time training and a little more time on the doors, which made for happy canvassers.
By the end of the first week a total of 208 books had gone out, with around 70% of these being message books. This included 51 large copies of The Great Controversy and 26 Peace Above Storm (a large edition of Steps to Christ). There were also several community interests wanting to know more about programs running in the area, and some desiring Bible studies.
We gladly welcomed the Sabbath hours in with thankful hearts. The majority of the team fellowshipped in Elizabeth with local church members, but a small number travelled to Para Vista SDA Church to worship and share with others there. In light of the upcoming Christmas day, many of the group decided to go door-to-door that afternoon singing carols. For some this was their first time carolling, and we were pleasantly surprised by the way many appreciated the gesture. Desire of Ages and GLOW tracts were also given to interested listeners.

Carolling on Sabbath afternoon
The Christmas period brought the issue of extra public holidays, which meant no canvassing for a few days. With a bit of time to spare, the group was in for a road-trip to their next doors to canvass: Alice Springs, NT - over 1,500km away - via some adventures to Coober Pedy, Uluru, and Rainbow Valley.
Sunday morning was a long but interesting drive, leaving behind the state of South Australia, and passing by interesting places like dry salty lakes and underground homes in the outback town of Coober Pedy. We eventually arrived in the Northern Territory that evening, looking forward to the exciting time tomorrow morning, when visiting Uluru/Ayers Rock and the Kata Tjuta/Olga’s was on the charts.
Overall it was a great couple of days spent in team building and recreation in nature.
The church in Alice Springs was happy to host the team for a few days, and canvassing there proved to be a wonderful experience. Although it was a number of degrees warmer outside than in Adelaide, many books still went out. Some of the team had to leave early to return to South Australia, but the group that remained until Sabbath were able to share with the local church in Alice Springs the blessings God had provided for them on the doors.
The group that returned to Adelaide earlier was also able to get in some canvassing, even in Coober Pedy along the drive back to Elizabeth.

Liesl canvassing Coober Pedy
Despite the public holidays, the end of the second week saw a total of 211 books go out, including 44 copies of The Great Controversy, 34 Peace Above the Storm, 33 Health and Peace and 400 Path to Peace (small copies of Steps to Christ). A number of contacts were also found by the canvassers to pass on to the local churches for follow up.
Sabbath for the team back at home base (Elizabeth, SA) found some of them at Brighton SDA where they had the opportunity to be live streamed through YouTube! They shared about the work we are doing in Adelaide over these holidays. You can watch the interview online.
After some more recreation in nature over the New Year’s period the team was reunited again to start the third week of the program. Although some of the group needed to go home for other commitments, some fresh team members arrived from interstate to join the ranks, swelling our numbers to 28.
We are so thankful for all the willing and ready canvassers we have. With the amazing things our mighty God has been doing, we look forward to seeing what the rest of the program will bring!

Starting team - Elizabeth Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Back row, from left: Emmanuel, Liesl, Kasey, Andy, Kayla, Nadya, Lyndell, Rachel, Julie, Tim, Grace, Stephen, Jylan, Sean, Matthew, Peter and Jaiden. Front row: Shanna, Melissa, Kerryn, Chanel and Henry.
Here are some photos from our trip up through the centre of Australia. :)

1 Comment(s)
Awesome Team!