The Hinkler Aviator: Canvassing Bundaberg Region
What inspires man with the desire to fly? Ibis gazing might have done the job for Bert Hinkler, born 1892 in Bundaberg - one year after Ellen White arrived in Australia. He spent years using observations from ibis wings and flight patterns to engineer gliders. Bert went on to become the first person to fly solo from England to Australia.
What inspires us to knock on doors selling books?
Believing that many people will trace their first convictions to truth-filled literature. Beautiful experiences on the doors. Roadtripping with a team of other passionate young people is wonderful encouragement. Above all else though, is the love of Christ. Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:14 that Christ's love constrains us.
How so? Jesus died for all, and now those of us who live because of Him, live for Him (verse 15). Through Christ, God makes peace between Himself and us. God goes even further and makes us - you - partners in this business of reconciliation!

Book stats for Bundaberg, Gin Gin, Gayndah & Mundubbera
- 566 Path to Peace
- 132 Wholesome Homemade
- 128 The Great Controversy (including 39 small editions)
- 61 Health and Peace
- 40 Peace Above the Storm
- 17 Lessons of Love
Week in brief
- Friday (June 1): Settled in at Gin Gin Seventh-day Adventist Church and opened Sabbath with local members
- Saturday: Shared testimonies and an overview of the literature evangelism work during Sabbath School
- Sunday: Hiked Mount Walsh near Biggenden
- Monday: Canvassed Bundaberg North
- Tuesday: Canvassed Gin Gin - satisfying to cover 95% of town
- Wednesday: Travelled to Gayndah and canvassed both Gayndah and Mundubbera
- Thursday and Friday: Canvassed Bundaberg
- Saturday: Visited St Andrews and Hinkler Seventh-day Adventist Churches, then travelled to Lake Monduran for a regional youth camp
- Sunday: Explored and swam in the rockpools at Mount Walsh National Park
- Monday: Canvassed Bargara, a coastal suburb of Bundaberg
One house in Bundaberg had an El Shaddai sign on the front door. I took a photo first, then knocked. Nothing. I knocked again; still nothing. Then I heard the high pitched whistle of a vacuum cleaner...
I really wanted someone to come to the door. Come on Lord, I'll wait a bit longer, I prayed - while the vacuum cleaner kept on going.
I went on to the next house but nobody was home. Might as well go back and see if the cleaner is still going, I thought. It stopped the very moment I arrived back!
Jude came out to see me. She was a very nice Christian lady and really appreciated what we were doing.
"You know what? More Christians need to be doing what you guys are doing. They need to be out knocking on doors, sharing their faith," she remarked.
"You're an Adventist - that's fine. I'm a Spirit filled, tongue speaking Christian!"
Jude had nothing against Adventists, and even asked what I believed about the rapture. I explained that the Bible doesn't teach a secret rapture, although it certainly talks about people going up to heaven. Jude decided to buy Peace Above the Storm.
We prayed together. As soon as I walked away, the vacuum cleaner started up again.
- Tim

Tim taking the Tarago up a 4WD track at Lake Monduran
I met Cody, canvassed her my books, and asked if she had a spiritual background. She didn’t, so I asked her why.
She'd grown up a Christian and things had happened—a lot of hard things, and she didn’t believe anymore.
“It’s hard to believe in God sometimes,” she said.
We didn’t talk too much. The things Cody said throughout the conversation prompted me to introduce The Great Controversy again for the answers it gave.
I also found out that she liked reading biographies. When I asked again which books interested her most, she said The Great Controversy.
Cody didn’t have the money, so I was able to leave her with our small copy of the Great Controversy which she was keen to read.
- Kasey in Bundaberg

Late afternoon looking out from Archer's Lookout over Gayndah
Shanna and I were canvassing together and came to a place with heaps of plants everywhere. We waited at the gate to the verandah and called out. A lady in a wheelchair with an amputated leg came out to talk with us.
I canvassed Bec the books and she was immediately interested. Throughout the conversation that followed she shared several things from her history and health. Growing up she'd always wanted to be a nun, but her parents didn't like the idea...
We got back to talking about the books—and she wanted the four books we had already showed her, so she went and got us $60. I told her that was enough for one more. She gratefully took Wholesome Homemade, Peace Above the Storm, The Great Controversy, Health and Peace, and Lessons of Love, plus a music DVD.
She was interested in two things on the survey and we had a prayer with her. Bec really appreciated our visit. It was great to chat with her.
Just before getting to her house I was about to hop in the car, but decided to soldier on!
- Ella in Gin Gin
Tim dropped me off, and at my first house a young mum came out with her two boys. I was really surprised how positive she was from the start.
I showed her The Great Controversy and she was intently looking at it. I don’t think I’ve ever had someone so keen to read all about the topics in the book! I was trying to talk to her, but she was so focused on the book and ignoring what I was saying that I finally stopped talking so she could read it!
“Wow, this looks like a really good book that I would like to read!” she said, and helped out with a generous donation.
- Andy in Gin Gin

Andy canvassing in Gayndah
As I was canvassing there was an older guy that I saw watering his garden for a while. When I finally got to his house I did my intro and showed him the books. He said he wasn’t interested in them, but kept flicking through The Great Controversy. I started discussing some things with him.
He said, “I have the Desire of Ages and and am reading it at the moment.”
The book had tiny print so he can’t read much except at midday. He really liked it though and is slowly working through the read. I told him that The Great Controversy was written by the same lady.
“So you’re a Seventh-Day Adventist?” was his next question.
"Yeah," I replied.
I found out that he was raised a Catholic and wanted to be a priest but didn’t finish school, so that didn’t happen. He seemed like a hippy kind of guy now.
I asked if he would be willing to help out with a donation, and he happily came back with $50. I let him know that it would be enough for all of my books, but he almost was at the point of saying not to worry about any of the books. He looked very interested in The Great Controversy so I left him with that one.
He had interesting ideas about some things, but I knew if he was enjoying Desire of Ages he'd love The Great Controversy too!
- Hannah in Gin Gin

Canvassing views on sunset in Bargara, Bundaberg
I was canvassing with my new friend Rebekah (from Gin Gin church). Across the street we saw a lady with some barking dogs outside her house. So I crossed over to her. Now an elderly lady, she told me how her parents used to be Seventh-day Adventists. She bought Peace Above the Storm and Health and Peace from me.
That wasn’t the end of the story though. Hannah knocked on her door a bit later (as it was her territory in the first place). The lady came out and when Hannah tried to show her the books she said that some girls had already come around with the same books. Hannah was able to show her the cookbook and The Great Controversy [Liesl had run out of those books when they'd met]. The lady was so keen!
She commented, “I would've gotten these two if you had come around first!
The lady found another $10, so Hannah was able to leave her with The Great Controversy as well. She now has three message books in her house!
- Liesl in Gin Gin

2 Comment(s)
God bless you all. I just thrill to read your stories and pray for you all continually.
my husband Clif died 11 May. he just loved what you do. I look forward to meeting the gems you have encounterd on your journeys. Joy
Praise the Lord! Wonderful stories. Take courage and press on, the Lord is with you all. Is. 41:10.