Reflections from the Canvassing Team
Here are a few thoughts from some of the team members from the recent canvassing program:
"I didn't expect to enjoy canvassing so much. I thought that I could manage canvassing for 6 - 7 weeks and then return to my usual life's routines. But the blessings of canvassing have impacted me so much that I am determined to continue canvassing whenever I get a chance. We have an important work to do with God!" ~Julie
"I found it so exciting to see people we canvassed, willing and excited to take books. Even more exciting than this, was the possibility that these books would really change their lives. Big blessing." ~Caleb
"Two weeks of canvassing gave me a lasting insight into how the world views Christianity. I saw first-hand the varied effects of sin and deception on Earth; most truly, there is a need for holistic healing through the gospel and health messages. Spreading truth with the team inspired and fulfilled me as only active service for God can." ~Jylan
"Being involved in leading a canvassing program has been some of the most intense, exciting, and amazing work I have ever been a part of. I thank God for the impression He has made and is continuing to make on many young people around the country in the great work of Literature Evangelism!" ~Tim
"The canvassing program was great, not only because I got to further the kingdom of God and make great friends, but I was able to learn healthy eating principles to take home with me. I have started eating from the Bountiful Health recipe book!" ~Dylan
"I am really grateful for the 2015 canvassing program. Our many experiences have challenged, edified and encouraged us. Looking back it is truly incredible to consider how God has worked these past few weeks, and to ponder what even eternal impacts may be the result of the hundreds of books that have gone out." ~Melissa
"It was a real blessing to see God's leading in the program and how every day He orchestrated events in such a way that we would meet people who were especially in need of hearing the gospel message and we were able to share it with them. As a result, this program has really encouraged me to claim more of God's promises, knowing that He will hear us and be with us when we are doing His work." ~Tom
1 Comment(s)
Nancy Arias 9 years ago - March 12, 2016 at 4:11 pm
Greetings from Colorado,
I am so glad to see Henry Higgings involved in this wonderful ministry. May God bless you all and bless your efforts to bring youth to Jesus, but also older people and children. Your music is great and your work is inspiring. Blessings to all.