Place of safety
Our word "garden" comes from the old english "geard", meaning a fence or enclosure, and from "garth" meaning a yard or piece of enclosed ground. Anciently, and today, our special plots need protection from elements that may negatively affect it's residents. While the gardener must work with the local environmental conditions, pragmatism and the basic desire for a harvest dictates that we also make responsible efforts to tip the balance in our favour by modifying those conditions.
Possibly the most fundamental of these efforts is to build a fence! We have a fence around our main garden plot to keep wallabies out, nets to keep insects and bird pests out, and these are moderately successful. The temporary fence keeping the horses and pet cows out of the potato patch is far less successful!
We are soon to erect a poly house that has plastic on the roof to keep the rain off crops such as tomato's and zucchini, and shadecloth on the walls that provides wind protection whilst still allowing good ventilation. Next will be a hothouse to extend the season into the cooler months - all efforts to tip the balance in our (and your!) favour. But I'm not sure what we can do to modify the weather madness we experienced on Saturday! A roasting 41C one minute, then pouring rain (28mm) and it's intense humidity the next! It's a wonder these plants are still producing anything!
Have you noticed that our society is going mad like the weather? Slowly, and surely, but with gathering pace, those principles/values/morals/laws etc. that have provided the security, stability and prosperity of our nation and western culture are being, not just discarded, but smashed. What was unacceptable and unthinkable 25 years ago is now the accepted norm, and look out if you have contrary views to the 'new truth'! Seems to me that we need a fence - not to hide behind or to keep everyone as far away from us as possible, but to keep us from joining the madness. Where is your safe place of mind?